Eso Fun Easy Beginners Class and Build

ESO Class

Picking the right Class for your character is one of the most important decisions you can make in The Elder Scrolls Online! Every Class in ESO can fulfill every role with success but some are better than other!

Each Class comes with its own unique Skills and Identity that will allow you to perform specific roles better or simply easier than the others. This ESO Class Guide will help you discover the Classes of The Elder Scrolls Online and pick the right Class for your preferred role and play style.

If you are looking for the right Race for your character, you can take a look at my ESO Race Guide.

For the Best ESO Solo Class you can take a look here.

If you are a new player you can take a look at my ESO New Player Beginner Guide.

Table of Contents

  • ESO Classes
  • What Class to Play? Classes Pros and Cons
    • Sorcerer
    • Nightblade
    • Dragonknight
    • Templar
    • Warden
    • Necromancer
  • More Guides to Read

ESO Classes

In total there are six Classes in The Elder Scrolls Online, four available with the base game and two available for purchase/unlock.

The ESO Classes are:

Base Game

  • Sorcerer
  • Nightblade
  • Dragonknight
  • Templar

Available to Unlock

  • Warden
  • Necromancer

Every Class can fulfill the role of Stamina Damage Dealer, Magicka Damage Dealer, Tank or Healer. Hybrid Builds are also quite popular now. The role you can play with each class depends on the allocation of your Attribute points and the Skills you choose.

eso class guide

Going all Magicka or Stamina is the best option for Damage Dealers and Healers while Tanks can benefit from a mixed setup. Hybrid Builds will also benefit more from one strong attribute setup(Magicka or Stamina).

Some Classes are better as Stamina Damage Dealers, other are better as Tanks or Magicka Damage Dealers. They may not be the best at every role but they can fulfill them all to a certain degree.

In terms of difficulty Sorcerer, Warden, Dragonknight and Templar are easier for new players. Nightblade and Necromancer are harder to master.

Here is a quick rundown of what to expect from the different classes in each role.

Class Magicka DD Stamina DD Tank Healer Hybrid DD
Sorcerer Excellent Great Mediocre Mediocre Good
Nightblade Great Good Mediocre Mediocre Mediocre
Dragonknight Excellent Great Excellent Mediocre Good
Templar Good Good Mediocre Excellent Good
Warden Excellent Excellent Great Excellent Excellent
Necromancer Good Great Great Great Mediocre


Changes to skills, passives and new updates can affect this balance.

ESO What Class to Play? Classes Pros & Cons

Each ESO Class has its own Pros and Cons that make it special and able to fulfill certain roles.

Sorcerer – ESO Class

The Class of Lightning, Shock AOE Damage and Daedric Pets. Sorcerers make great Magicka and strong Stamina Damage Dealers. They can deal Shock Damage and have the ability to summon Pets to do their bidding.

Magicka Sorcerers can play with or without their Pets and in general are easy to learn. When using its Pets, the Magicka Sorcerer can be very Beginner Friendly and one of the easiest Classes to start playing ESO with. Magicka Sorcerers are great for Solo PVE Gameplay as well.

Stamina Sorcerers are slightly more difficult to master and rely too much on Weapon abilities but they can be very strong. Their Class Skills have been improved which makes it easier to rely on them.

You can read my Sorcerer Beginner Guide here.

Sorcerer Skill-Lines

  • Dark Magic, protection, defense and sustain spells mostly
  • Daedric Summoning, Pets to summon to attack, draw attention and heal
  • Storm Calling, shock damage based skills and support spells

Sorcerer Pros and Cons


  • Beginner Friendly
  • Summon Pets to help
  • Shock AOE Damage
  • Strong Damage Dealers in PVE and PVP
  • Great for Solo Gameplay (Magicka Sorcerer)
  • Potent Hybrid Builds


  • Mediocre Healers and Tanks
  • Few Class Skills (Stamina Sorcerer). Better than before!
  • Need Shields to survive harder content (Magicka Sorcerer)
eso class guide

Nightblade – ESO Class

The Class of Stealth and Shadow. Nightblade is the rogue/assassin-like Class of ESO. The only Class with an ability to cloak in-game.

Nightblades make great Magicka and Stamina Damage Dealers as well as decent Tanks and Healers. One of the hardest classes to learn and the least Beginner friendly. Playing a Nightblade can be very rewarding though for experienced players.

Because of their ability to cloak they are also the best Thieves in-game. Playing as a Thief is the closest to a Pacifist play style in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Thanks to their Stealth capabilities they are also perfect for "Gank" (surprise attack) PVP Builds.

A popular Class because of their stealth and rogue-like elements that is not very Beginner Friendly for Solo/ Group PVE or PVP.

You can read my Nightblade Beginner Guide here.

Nightblade Skill-Lines

  • Assassination, a mix of offensive and support skills
  • Shadow, dedicated to stealth, shadow and fear skills
  • Siphoning, a mix of support and health-absorbing spells

Nightblade Pros and Cons


  • Stealth Skills, Easy to escape fights
  • Great Damage Dealers
  • Hard-hitting single target abilities and execute
  • Strong Gank PVP Builds
  • Excellent Thieves – Pacifist Gameplay
  • Decent Hybrid potential


  • Hard to Master, Not Beginner Friendly
  • Rely on proc skills/Light attack weaving a lot
  • Need Stealth to survive in PVP
  • Not the best Tanks or Healers
  • Kind of limited to Gank PVP play style

Dragonknight – ESO Class

The Class of Fire, Poison and Earth. Dragonknights make excellent Tanks, very strong Magicka and Stamina Damage Dealers but poor Healers. A quite sturdy and Beginner friendly Class, especially if you are into Tanking.

The Class has access to Fire, Earth and Poison Damage based skills. Each element suits a specific role better and help you create appropriate Builds. Fire for Magicka Damage Dealers, Poison for Stamina Damage Dealers and Earth for Tanks.

Dragonknight can also be a great choice for Damage over Time abilities based Builds. Magicka Dragonknight is the closest to a pure Fire Mage in ESO.

You can read my Dragonknight Beginner Guide here.

Dragonknight Skill-Lines

  • Ardent Flame, Fire and Poison Damage based offensive skills
  • Draconic Power, Tank oriented skills
  • Earthen Heart, Group and Healer support

Dragonknight Pros and Cons


  • Excellent Tank
  • Very Strong Magicka and Stamina Damage Dealer for PVE and PVP
  • Sturdy and Beginner Friendly
  • Fire, Poison, Earth based skills to choose from
  • Great for Damage Over Time based Builds
  • Good for Solo PVE gameplay, thanks to their skills
  • Good Hybrid Potential


  • Mediocre Healer
  • Sustain issues, requires clever use of Ultimate Skills to sustain properly
  • Magicka Damage Dealers need to be in melee range to perform well

Templar – ESO Class

The Class of Light and Healing. Templars make excellent Healers, strong Magicka and Stamina Damage Dealers but mediocre Tanks. Templar has access to mostly Magic damage based spells and several support skills to assist you and your group. Very good class for Solo PVE Gameplay and quite beginner friendly, especially if you are into Healing.

Even though Templar is not the best Class for Tanking, it is still the closest to a Paladin-like Class in ESO, thanks to all its healing and support spells. Both Stamina and Magicka Damage Dealers rely too much on Puncturing Strikes and its morphs for damage.

You can read my Templar Beginner Guide here.

Templar Skill-Lines

  • Aedric Spear, a mix of offensive and support skills
  • Dawn's Wrath, mostly Magic based offensive spells
  • Restoring Light, dedicated to Healing

Templar Pros and Cons


  • Excellent Healer
  • Strong Magicka and Stamina Damage Dealer
  • Magic Damage based skills and Support Spells
  • Good for Area of Effect Damage based Builds
  • Paladin-like Style and Gameplay
  • Great for Solo PVE Gameplay(Magicka DD mostly)
  • Good Hybrid Potential


  • Mediocre Tank
  • Depends too much on one offensive skill (Puncturing Strikes)

Warden – ESO Class

The Class of Nature and Ice. Wardens make excellent Stamina and Magicka Damage Dealers as well as great Tanks and Healers.

An easy Class to learn with access to several, helpful Heals, Buffs and Debuffs. The Class' Frost based abilities can help you to create fun, Frost Mage and Frost Tank Builds.

Warden relies too much on animal based skills for Damage in both Magicka and Stamina setups. Overall a good Class for every role in PVE or PVP gameplay. Very good Solo PVE Class as well. Beginner friendly thanks to their several support skills.

Their Bear Ultimate is great for damage but can act weird some times! They can mix and match Stamina and Magicka based skills with success, which makes them perfect for Hybrid Builds.

You can read my Warden Beginner Guide here.

Warden Skill-Lines

  • Animal Companions, offensive skills based on Morrowind animals
  • Green Balance, healing focused skill-line
  • Winter's Embrace, Frost based offensive and support skills

Warden Pros and Cons


  • Excellent Tanks, Healers and Damage Dealers
  • Frost Mage and Frost Tank Builds
  • Ice Damage
  • Very Strong in PVP and PVE
  • Excellent Solo PVE Class
  • Easy to learn with access to several Buffs and Debuffs
  • Magicka Warden is a great Crowd Control Class in Group PVP
  • Very strong Hybrid Builds


  • Rely too much on the Animal Companions Skill-line to deal damage (mostly a PVE issue)
  • Bear Ultimate can be unreliable at times

Necromancer – ESO Class

The Class of Death and Elemental Damage. Necromancer has access to every Elemental Damage type in-game, Fire, Shock and Ice as well as to Poison and Disease Damage based Skills.

It can also summon Minions (Pets), like the Sorcerer to assist in combat. Necromancer's Minions are not permanent though, they only last for a few seconds which requires significant micromanagement and makes the Class harder to learn.

Necromancers make great Tanks, Healers, Stamina Damage Dealers and good Magicka Damage Dealers. The Class has access to several support skills to help you fulfill every role successfully. They do rely a lot on the Blastbones skill and its morphs to deal damage however. A skill that can be unreliable at times.

Necromancer is a powerhouse in PVP. Great class for Solo PVE Gameplay as well, especially the Magicka Necromancer.

You can read my Necromancer Beginner Guide here.

Necromancer Skill-Lines

  • Grave Lord, offensive skills and minions for Magicka and Stamina Builds
  • Bone Tyrant, Tank oriented skills
  • Living Death, Healing focused skill-line
eso class guide

Necromancer Pros and Cons


  • Great Damage Dealer(requires practice)
  • Good Tank and Healer
  • Access to Elemental, Poison and Disease Damage based skills
  • Strong in PVE and PVP gameplay
  • Great for Solo PVE Gameplay
  • Can summon Minions (Pets) to attack and heal
  • Can transform to a powerful Goliath
  • Flexible Gameplay
  • Decent Hybrid Builds


  • No permanent Pets
  • Too much micromanagement because of Minions
  • Hard Class to master
  • Rely too much on Blastbones skill and its morphs

More Guides to Read

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